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The Future is NOW
The future is always important but not without a direct focus on the present. You possess the ability to create and nurture your future in the present moment.

Our Future: Image

Our Future

Our future is ours, but it’s also yours, in fact the future belongs to everyone and if we all work together the future is bright.


To be honest, we believe that the future in care is PBS and in our future PBS will be the building stone in everything we do.

We have many things planned for the coming years. Planning is necessary for a business to develop and strive. But if we plan to far ahead, we lose focus on what is in the moment. What need to be done now. Especially in the aftermath of Covid, most people feel scared, worried, and powerless. Thinking about what is going to be in 3 years from now can be overwhelming for us all. The management, support workers and let alone for those we support, are all influenced by this pandemic.

We have therefore made a 1 and 3 year plan and we will in day to day operations we focus mostly on the 1 year plan.


We want to make life as good as humanly possible for those we take care of and we will slowly start bringing back social events and other leisure activities, so we can rebuild some of the social damage that the Covid isolation has caused.


We are aware that funding might be harder to get after this financial fire, but we will be creative and innovative in our approach and make the best out of it. We might all learn a thing or two from all of this, and that we can use looking forward, It’s a learning curve and life can only be strengthened if we use this correctly.


We will of course still provide bespoke Positive Behaviour Support and we will keep educating our staff and those involved. Attend courses and conventions, create new contacts and try to find other providers that can see the benefit in working together to create the best possible care sector UK has seen.


As mentioned in the beginning, then we have many things planned for the future. Things that we are confident, will change the way we see care.


We call it: FCC - Full Circle Care.

Our Future: The Clinic
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